Hi everyone​,
The Chairman's Charity for 2025 - The Bala "Triathlon" ​
And just like that it's my second year as Chair and I have decided that this years Chairman's Charity will be Hope House and Ty Gobaith childrens hospice, a fabulous charity I'm sure you will agree, so here is a little bit about what they do ..
Hope House and TÅ· Gobaith care for babies, children and young people who have life-threatening conditions and are not expected to live beyond 18 years of age.
They also offer counselling and bereavement counselling to hospice families, and bereavement counselling to any family living in our area who has suffered the death of a child in any circumstance up to 18 years of age.
Their help is available to children and families living in Shropshire, Cheshire, Mid and North Wales.
Anyone can refer a child whether they are a doctor, other health care professional or family member. All they ask is that the child's parents or person with parental responsibility agree to the referral.
For more information about their services for children with life-threatening conditions please email care@hopehouse.org.uk or call 01691 671999, or email care@tygobaith.org.uk or call 01492 651900.
Hope House Children’s Hospices is a charity that gives every local child with a life-threatening condition and their family access to professional care and improves their quality of life from the point of diagnosis
We support more than 750 local families who are either caring for a terminally ill child, or whose child has died.
It costs £9.6 million every year to run our services. Approximately two month’s income comes from statutory sources and for the other 10 months of the year we are dependent on public support.
Our mission is to reach every child with a life-threatening condition in our area, to give them and their family access to professional care and improve their quality of life, and to raise the money we need to do this.
Thanks Peter
From Mark ...This years challenge will be the Bala Triathlon - the what I hear you ask? - so myself and Chairman Peter with our now regular team of charity adventurers will walk around Bala Lake, approx 14 miles and then cycle around Bala Lake, approx 30 miles and then swim, paddle board or canoe across the lake (at the shortest point for this bit!)​- so wish us luck and dig deep for yet another fabulous cause
Mark & the team